Tuesday, August 18, 2009

iLearners Inc.'s Ocular Inspection

August 17, 2009. Greg, Shake, Pao and I were off to Sibonga to visit Libo Primary School, which was suggested by Melchor of ABS CBN, in search for iLearner's 2nd adopted school.

Sibonga is about 2 hours drive from Cebu City. We arrived at Sibonga Municipality at around 4:30pm and asked for directions for Libo Elementary School. And people we ask would say "Adto pa na sa unahan.. Layo pa! (It's still Far)" pointing at the top of the mountain. I gulped on a large amount of saliva since it was getting dark and the road up the mountain has no lights. So I continued driving, listening to Gabe Bondoc, David Choi, Super Juniors and Wonder Girls Tracks on a CD Edd burnt a few days back.

After a long, bumpy, wet and muddy drive up the mountain, we arrived at Libo Primary Schoool! Weeeee! The air was cool up there! grrrrr.

When we went down to do the ocular, first thing we noticed was the colorful facade of the school. We also checked the classrooms where the chairs were arranged, floor polished very well and school books were updated! Good for the students!

Next school ocular inspection? iLearners will visit the public schools in Busay!
And before we leave the gates of Libo Elementary School, this dog kept barking on us! weeeee!


  1. Drake here.. wow, i've seen and hear about i-Learner in Kapamilya Winner ka! I was touched by the things that you're doing guys, and I want to really be a part of this advocacy.. Hope i could hear from you guys soon.. Thanks..

    PS: grats for winning in KWK.. ;)

  2. @ Drake - Thanks Drake. Please email your Name, address, contact number to ilearners@yahoo.com
